Microsoft a publicar un competidor directo con ESXi ?

Al parecer si lo haran… en el blog oficial del equipo de virtualizacion de Microsoft postean la noticia.

MS Hyper-V Server: in 30 days for $0

The show begins in 10 hours, but the news it out:

* Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008, a new hypervisor-based server virtualization product (like ESXi), will be released within 30 days and be available at no cost via the Web
* Microsoft will demonstrate live migration feature of Windows Server 2008 R2. And the next version of Microsoft Hyper-V Server (the one after 2008) will have live migration capabilities.
* System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 will be released within 30 days [not a surprise], which will manage Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2, Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 or VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3
* Microsoft’s global server OEM partners … report that nearly 100% of their customers who order Windows Server 2008 with hardware are also choosing to have Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V included with their order.
* Dedicated virtualization lab established within the Microsoft Enterprise Engineering Center.


Clinic 5935: Introducing Hyper-V in Windows Server 2008

Interesado en Hyper-V ? Pues te interesara tomar este Clinic gratuito en el sitio de Microsoft Learning.
Este Clinic esta orientado a las personas que desean tomar el examen de certificación de Virtualización de Microsoft.

Recuperación de bases de datos en Exchange (Parte I)

LATAM Team blog tiene programado impartir una charla sobre recuparación de Bases de datos de la plataforma de correos de Microsoft llamada Exchange…. en la primera parte hablaran de las cosas en comun que tienen las versiones 2000,2003,2007 y en una segunda parte se enfocaran en la version de Exchange 2007. Registrate!!