Que porciento del procesador usa el Dom0 y los DomUs?

Encontre este interesante enlace [ http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/08/10/xen-cpu-use-per-domain/ ] donde postean un pequeño script en perl para ver el porcentaje de la CPU que estan utilizando el Dom0 y los DomUs!

QuadCore:/home/ariel# perl top.pl
Domain-0 uses 7.26% of one CPU
asterisk uses 3.77% of one CPU
brain uses 1.00% of one CPU
hellcenter uses 0.55% of one CPU
lostcorp uses 1.19% of one CPU
owneak uses 1.90% of one CPU
warcold uses 98.65% of one CPU
warneo uses 0.97% of one CPU

el resultado del script en QuadCore (nuestro servidor de virtualizacion en MHsolutions)


After the recent change on VMware ESXi there gonna be a lot of people using whiteboxes, in VMware terms, whitebox is a machine which is not officially supported but ESX works on this hardware and now that ESXi is a free product maybe you gonna build one of this machine…

http://ultimatewhitebox.com/ is gonna be a reference database for compatible hardware.

Guide to VMware ESX Server 3

I found a link with a very nice and useful guide with commands to administer VMware ESX 3, there are commands like:

Produces an enormous amount of information about the ESX host. You really need to pipe this to a file for closer examination!

[root@esx1host root]# esxcfg-info >esxinfo.txt

and much more!!!

and if you are still running VMware ESX 2.x, there is a guide for that version too!